


Matching people and jobs.


Paul, 53, is a Surf City resident and vice president and general

manager of Huntington Beach Staffing-Cashiers Unlimited. He has been with

the Main Street corporation since 1998, and although technically he

oversees general operations, he was initially hired as a


“Essentially, I manage customer relationships with clients,” Paul

said. “I’m more involved with applicants and helping them find their best

value in the market place. My work is in the operational side and is

about matching clients and applicants to one another.”

Paul says the company’s main focus or mission is to find area people

and place them in area companies.

“We have a very local profile and provide office staffing for a lot of

local companies,” Paul said. “We place a lot of receptionists,

administrative assistants, accounting people, sales people and customer

service representatives.”


Paul has the experience to match his enthusiasm toward what he does.

As the owner of Career Partners, an outplacement company that helps

executives find work, Paul extended his efforts and cerebral muscle for

12 years before deciding it was time for a change of scenery.

“I have done this for a long time and have a love for it,” he said.

“Before I did the type of work I do now, I had worked in a variety of

sales jobs and had managerial positions. It’s due to this kind of

experience that I’ve found I love to do what I do.”


Paul says working with people is his strong suit and that the constant

demand to stay on top of his game is an Adrenalin rush of sorts.

“This is work where you are on the firing line,” Paul said. “I like

the pace, the urgency and the excitement of staffing.”


There are procedures and technicalities to be adhered to in most

professions, Paul said, but he subscribes to his own philosophy, which he

has learned by putting in massive amounts of hours with people.

He added that when he goes into a business, he wants somebody “who

gives a damn.” With that in mind, he is able to approach and treat

customers with a high standard of service.

“You don’t have to force things, just connect,” Paul said. “People

crave connection. We don’t matter a bit to computers and we sit in front

of them all day. With people, there are emotions and the emotions can be

touched. I feel I connect.” -- Story by Torus Tammer, photo by XXXX
