

Hoping to provide an incentive for buying a low-emission car or light

truck, Assemblyman John Campbell (R-Irvine) has introduced a bill that

would lower taxes for consumers who buy them.

Campbell, who owns a Saab dealership in Santa Ana, said the vehicles

have been a tough sell, even though the clock is ticking on the state’s

2003 zero-emission mandate.

By that time, auto manufacturers must include the low-emission and

zero-emission vehicles in about 10% of their production line. The

California Air Resources Board imposed the mandate in 1990.

Campbell’s bill, introduced Feb. 21, would provide a four-tier tax

break to consumers who buy vehicles in four categories -- ultra-low

emission, super ultra-low emission, zero emission and partially zero


The tax break covers a portion of the state’s 4.75% surcharge on


The bill has been referred to the assembly’s revenue and taxation

committee. It will be heard March 21 at the earliest, the end of the

public review period when the bill is “in print.”

SI--Paul Clinton
