

The nonprofit Think Together recently announced that it plans to

develop four new learning centers on Costa Mesa’s Westside by October.

Though the exact locations have yet to be announced, we at the Pilot

fully endorse such centers. They do justice in assisting public schools

in educating the youth of the community, perhaps even the leaders of


Think Together’s learning centers -- such as Shalimar and eight others

-- have proven useful in lending students help with homework and other

tutoring needs. That help cannot be knocked for it has assisted in

boosting test scores at schools where boosts can’t hurt.

Pomona Elementary School welcomed the last learning center in April.

The newer learning centers will more than likely be set up in

neighborhoods that don’t already have homework and tutoring assistance,

said Randy Barth, founder of ThinkTogether.

Barth’s desire to open more learning centers in Costa Mesa, and

specifically on the Westside, is a testament to the city and its schools.

As Barth says, “Things are brewing here, such as the [UC Irvine] outreach

center and churches’ activities, that make this community a tremendous


Though some residents -- such as Councilman Chris Steel -- disagree,

the city’s other nonprofits also benefit this community and its

residents. They bring in federal funding for programs that may otherwise

be impossible to create and continue.

We at the Pilot welcome the additional learning centers as well as

additional charitable organizations that want to call Costa Mesa their

