
Readers Respond -- Job Center lends itself to debate

I have a comment about the Job Center changes (“Job Center changes

appear on horizon,” Wednesday). I definitely think they should really get

rid of it. Some of these people are here illegally, and we’re providing a

place for them to come and get jobs. They shouldn’t be; they shouldn’t

even be here. I know that they’re here and they need work; it’s a real


I also want to say that I protest the picture of a white man that you

ran. We all know that most of the people down at the Job Center are of

Latino decent. That shows the liberal slant of the paper to print a silly

picture of somebody who is in the vast minority in the newspaper.

It’s just a ridiculous picture. I don’t live in the area right there,

so I can’t talk about the noise and all that, but I certainly wouldn’t

want it to be near me if that’s where I was.

I definitely think they should have the three-strike threshold for

people who don’t obey the rules, and take their permits away. I just

think it’s a real bad idea to provide that for people. It draws people to

our community, and we have more than enough illegal immigrants that live

in the community. They’re overloading our schools and not really

contributing the amount of taxes that they need to be contributing for

all of the services that they get.

I wish that there was another way that we could provide it. I

understand why they’re here. I know it’s a real problem. I just think

that something needs to be done.


Costa Mesa

I do support the job center. They keep the people off the street and

from doing drugs. It is good to have job centers. Job centers did help me

a lot. I used to be in the street looking for a job, but now I have a

very good job. I went to school; I do own my own house. I do support job



