
THAT’S DEBATABLE:Has the surge been effective, or is the Iraq war lost?

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid last week said the Iraq war is lost and the troop surge is accomplishing nothing. What’s your reaction to that?

Democrats have been quick to criticize the reinforcement plan, but they haven’t offered an alternative of their own to deal with the realities of the situation. Where is their plan to prevent Iraq from becoming a terrorist state? Where is their plan to prevent the civil war and possible genocide that would occur if we retreat? Senator Reid has said the war in Iraq is lost, but it is not. If it were, we would be experiencing these severe consequences.

Rep. John Campbell

(R-Newport Beach)

It is clear that within the next six months the Iraqis have an opportunity to step up and do what is necessary to ensure that they have a democratic government in the future. This is their time, they’ve got to stand up. If they don’t, then they wouldn’t have a democratic government and they’ll probably split in pieces.


I don’t think it’s lost; it’s still in play, but the clock is ticking…. [Whether the surge is working] I can’t tell. If the troop surge has permitted Iraqi troops to have more confidence and they’re now psychologically prepared for something they weren’t prepared for before we made one last effort, then it will have been a success.

I remember right before we got out of Vietnam there was something called the Parrot’s Beak [operation]…. It was designed to go into Cambodia and just destroy a lot of their operations and control centers. That did provide some leeway for the South Vietnamese, and for us to get out.

Once we were out, the South Vietnamese were actually winning their battle against the North Vietnamese until a new Democratic congress cut off all the funding for ammunition…. I don’t think that’s what will happen in Iraq.

If indeed the Iraqi government has stepped up and are defending themselves, I believe they can count on our material support for some time to come.

We will know if they’re capable by the end of the year. If they’re not, I would suggest we start withdrawing at that time…. There are a lot of people who are not making coalitions because they’re counting on the U.S. government to maintain stability.

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher

(R-Huntington Beach)
