
Council says no to trail because of concerns

The Costa Mesa City Council voted 3-2 to abandon a proposal that would construct a multipurpose trail in a flood channel throughout Costa Mesa during a meeting Tuesday night.

While initially supportive of the measure, many council members said their minds were changed by residents who spoke against the proposal, citing concerns about safety, crime and privacy should a new pedestrian path be built bordering their backyards.

“About 50 homes and many apartments will be impacted by this,” Costa Mesa resident Geraldine Evans said. “No fence will block out loud noise, we will no longer be able to leave our windows open to enjoy fresh air. This also provides easy access to our yards, and will affect our property values.”


Katrina Foley, who along with Councilwoman Linda Dixon voted against shelving the proposal, said that project would beautify the dilapidated flood channels and actually increase safety in the area.

“That flood channel is dirty, disgusting and brings our property values down,” she said.

The city also approved approximately $6 million in street repairs, which will improve the conditions of 16 city streets.

Construction is expected to be complete within a year.

— Chris Caesar
