

The following is from the Feb. 19 meeting of the Laguna Beach City Council.



?Councilwoman Toni Iseman attended the Coastal Cities Conference in Monterey and reported that several cities are having issues with the California Coastal Commission. The group, an arm of the League of California Cities, is hoping to resolve some of those issues with local elected members of the commission.

?Boyd announced he and Mayor Jane Egly had delivered a city check for $112,000 for monitoring devices in the South Coast Medical Center emergency room.



Consent calendar items get approved in one motion unless a member of the council, staff or public “pull” the item, which then requires opening it for public comment and a separate vote.


Approved without comment:

?General warrants totaling $12,732.85, issued Jan. 30 and $2,227,660.05, issued Feb. 8; and Payroll No. 16, in the amount of $622,683.69 issued Jan. 31

?Lot line adjustment and coastal development permit for properties at 22361 and 22401 Third Ave.

?Performance with amplified sound by Laguna Dance Festival Sept. 27 on the Cobblestones at Main Beach

?Mills Act Preservation Agreement for 683 Thalia St.

?A $781,549 contract with R. J. Noble Co. for street rehabilitation in fiscal year 2007-08 and amendment of a contract with Kabbara Engineering to include construction survey services, not to exceed $54,265

?Transfer of $70,000 from the fiscal year 2007-08 street resurfacing project to the Third Street Storm Drain project and agreements with Brooks Street Partners and Laguna Beach Presbyterian Church for construction of the storm drain under general terms described in the agenda bill

?A $68,000 construction contract with Schuler Engineering for modification of the odor control system discharge piping at the Bluebird Canyon SOCWA lift station, transfer of $75,000 from the Laguna SOCWA odor control system project to the Bluebird project and authorization for the city manger to sign the necessary documents and related change orders.

?Purchase of an electrical generator from Cummins Cal Pacific, not to exceed $48,000 and transfer of funds and authorization for the city manager to execute the procurement of equipment, supplies and related change orders.


Pulled for discussion:

?A lot line adjustment and coastal development permit for properties at 1000 Oriole Drive, contingent on the dedication of Parcel 2 to the city for open space. Approved 5-0

?An agreement with Orange County for authorized inspection services as needed for the city storm drains. Approved 4-0, Schneider recused because she serves on the state Regional Water Quality Board, San Diego Region.



Incumbents Mallory McCamant and Rebecca Meekma were re-appointed to the Recreation Committee.

The council voted to keep the membership of the Parking, Traffic and Circulation Committee at nine. Seven seats were open.

The council did split the applications into four, two-year terms and three one-year terms to better balance the appointments, currently a seven/two split.

Incumbents Neil F. Katz, Dennis Meyers, Michael Schneider and Carolyn Wood were appointed to two-year terms. Curt Bartsch, Christopher Castro and incumbent Kimberly Norton were appointed to one-year terms.



The council voted to add a review of the Downtown Specific Plan to the Planning Commission’s list of Community Development Special Projects. The commission also was directed to review provisions of the plan and the zoning code related to entertainment uses.



City Manager Frank was instructed to report at the 2008-09 Budget Workshop on the estimated costs and an implementation plan to install recycling containers next to trash cans throughout town.
