
WWE SummerSlam live results: Big wins by Roman Reigns, Ronda Rousey over Brock Lesnar, Alexa Bliss

If it’s summer, then it must be time for WWE’s annual SummerSlam pay-per-view, live from Brooklyn. Let’s get right to the results.

Seth Rollins (with Dean Ambrose) d. Dolph Ziggler (with Drew McIntyre) to win the Intercontinental championship

McIntyre climbed onto the apron, but Ambrose took him out with a Dirty Deeds. Rollins was distracted by this and almost turned around right into a superkick, but Rollins hit it first. He followed with a stomp for the pin. WIll Ambrose turn on Rollins tomorrow on Raw? That’s the big question coming out of the match.


The New Day d. The Bludgeon Brothers by DQ, so The Bludgeon Brothers retain the Smackdown tag team title

Woods and Big E set up the midnight hour, but Rowan used his hammer prop to attack them both for the DQ. This feud shall continue.

Braun Strowman d. Kevin Owens

A squash match. Strowman hit two running shoulderblocks and no-sold a superkick. Strowman hit the running powerslam on Owens for the pin.


Strowman is great, but I’m not sure why they have spent the last few months burying Owens when he should be one of their top heels.

This does set up Strowman cashing in the Money in the Bank briefcase on the winner of Reigns-Lesnar at the end of the night.

Charlotte Flair pins Becky Lynch in a Triple Threat match for the Smackdown women’s title

Carmella was the champion coming into the match. This was an excellent match, with the crown behind Lynch, one of the most underrated wrestlers on the roster.


Carmella tossed Flair to the floor and hit Lynch with a superkick. Lynch recovered and put Carmella in the Disarmher, but Carmella got to the ropes for the break. Lynch hit an exploder suplex and put the Disarmher back on. Flair came up from behind and hit Lynch with the Natural Selection for the pin.

After the match, Lynch hugged Flair and the crowd booed, want Lynch to attack Flair. She must have listened, because Lynch slapped Flair and started punching and kicking her. Flar rolled out of the ring and Lynch threw her over the announce table. The crowd loved all of this.

Flair and Lynch are great, but I think they turned the wrong person. The crowd wants to cheer Lynch and boo Flair. But if any two wrestlers can make this work, it’s those two.

Samoa Joe d. AJ Styles by DQ, Styles retains the WWE title

AJ’s wife and daughter were in the audience.

After an intense, physical match, Joe kicked Styles off the top rope. He then grabbed a microphone and told Styles’ wife that AJ wouldn’t be coming home that night and told Styles’ daughter that he could be her new daddy. Styles went berserk and hit Joe with chair shot after chair shot, earning the DQ. He then walked off with his wife and daughter.

The Miz d. Daniel Bryan

Bryan took most of the match, with Miz’s chest bleeding from chops. Miz was sent to ringside and ended up next to his wife, Maryse, who handed him a foreign object. Bryan dove head first at Miz, who hit him with the object and got the pin.

The Demon Finn Balor d. Baron Corbin

Total squash match. Crowd loved that Balor came out in his demon persona. Balor dominated, hit the Coup de Grace and pinned Corbin in under two minutes. Hopefully this mean a push back to near the top of the crowd for Balor.


Shinsuke Nakamura d. Jeff Hardy to retain the U.S. title

Hardy hit a Twist of Fate and Swanton Bomb, but Nakamura avoided the pin by barely grabbing the bottom rope. Nakamura rolled under the ropes. Hardy went for another Swanton, but Nakamura moved and Hardy crashed into the ring apron. That had to hurt a lot. Nakamura threw Hardy in the ring and hit the Kinshasa for the win.

Randy Orton came out, but he didn’t do anything. Strange.

Ronda Rousey d. Alexa Bliss to win the Raw Women’s Title

Complete domination. Rousey hit several judo thrown. They took advantage of Bliss’ ability to dislocate her own elbow by having Rousey dislocate it. She then locked in an armbar for the easy win. Natalya and the Bella twins then came into the ring to celebrate with her. No one turned on her. Rousey dedicated the win to Roddy Piper.

Roman Reigns d. Brock Lesnar to win the Universal Title

After the ring introductions, Braun Strowman’s music hit. He announced he was cashing in his Money in the Bank briefcase on whoever wins tonight. The crowd loved it.

Reigns started fast, with Superman punches and spears galore. But on another spear attempt, Lesnar locked in a Guillotine. Reigns escaped. Lesnar was next to the ropes, and Reigns went for another spear, but Lesnar moved and Reigns went through the ropes and hit Strowman outside the ring. Lesnar went out and hit and F5 on Strowman, Then he threw Reigns back in the ring. Strowman grabbed Lesnar by the leg and Lesnar hit him with some chair shots. He went back in the ring and was starting down at Strowman. Then he turned right into a spear from Reigns, who covered him for the pin. With Strowman injured, he couldn’t cash in. And they found a way to protect Lesnar, who can now move back to UFC for a while before his inevitable return to WWE.
