
Video: Florida by airboat, gators on the side

This video zips along Florida wetlands, with a brief alligator-handling stop at the end.

Airboats are loud and inelegant — but for getting around in the shallow waters along Florida’s coast, it’s hard to beat them.

This video covers a quick trip I made in early 2015 with an airboat tour company that operates near Port Canaveral.

The sightings include cypress trees and grazing cows (yes, marshland works as grazing territory), followed by a little alligator-handling.


What would a trip to Florida be, after all, without reptile quality time?

“A Minute Away” is a video series in which nothing much happens -- except you see the world, and hear it, and get a respite from workaday life. We’ve covered Machu Picchu, Red Square, the Yucatan, the Alamo, an Alaskan float plane and the reading room of the New York Public Library, among other places. Since early 2013, we’ve been adding a new minute every week (and some of those “minutes” are actually closer to 120 seconds. So if you’d prefer 100 minutes away, we’ve got more than enough here for you…
