
Video: Icy circles and a cold winter night in Central Park

Even on the chilliest nights -- in this case, a mid-February evening that went well below freezing -- Central Park gets used. If it’s not the ducks on the pond, it’s brave joggers on a path. And, of course, there are the skaters.

After a winter of so much snow and cold, spring -- arriving today -- will get a big welcome on the U.S. East Coast this year.

But before we forget how chilly it got, here’s a video glimpse of a sub-freezing February night at the south end of Manhattan’s Central Park. Snow on the lawn. Undaunted ducks splashing in a half-iced pond. A lonely jogger panting up a path. Legions of skaters sketching circles on the rink near 59th Street.

By the way, if you’re an old school admirer of New York, you probably call that skate area Wollman Rink, after the donor who bankrolled it in 1950.

If your first visit came some time after 1985? You might call it Trump Rink.


“A Minute Away” is a video series in which nothing much happens -- except you see the world, and hear it, and get a respite from workaday life. We’ve covered Machu Picchu, Red Square, the Yucatan, the Alamo, an Alaskan float plane and the reading room of the New York Public Library, among other places. Since early 2013, we’ve been adding a new minute every week (and some of those “minutes” are actually closer to 120 seconds. So if you’d prefer 100 minutes away, we’ve got more than enough here for you…
