
Shatner’s pants fall down during TSA pat-down, but he’s laughing

Los Angeles Times Daily Travel & Deal blogger

Actor William Shatner, 81, this week recounted a hilarious version of what he says happened during a pat-down by a Transportation Security Administration worker at LAX before he boarded a flight to South Africa. Shatner says when the agent patted down his waist area, his pants fell down.

“I’m at LAX, and my pants are around my knees,” he told talk show host Craig Ferguson on “The Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson” on Wednesday. Shatner said he was intent on wearing “loose clothing” for the long flight, “as loose as I can get it,” and then made Ferguson help him re-enact the pat-down (see video).


At the end of the story, Shatner said “most of that really happened” and added that “it was the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to me.”

Shatner also tweeted Thursday: “My wardrobe malfunction @ LAX is making the rounds online. For those that were witness I apologize. For those that kept staring shame on you.”

“Klingon to your trousers! William Shatner left red-faced after pants fall down at LAX,” the online Daily Mail’s headline reads.


“Pants Can’t Contain William Shatner and His Awesomeness” says the Subspace Communique blog.

OK, really, enough said.
