
2nd Evangelist Joined in Sex, Hahn Says

Associated Press

Jessica Hahn said she was forced into sexual activities with a second evangelist shortly after a sexual encounter with Jim Bakker, even though she told Bakker she was a virgin and feared getting pregnant, Newsweek magazine said.

The 27-year-old former church secretary said her meeting with Bakker, 47, in a Florida hotel room seven years ago lasted for “what seemed like an hour and a half,” the magazine reports in its April 13 issue, saying it obtained a copy of the transcript of a taped statement.

Bakker, now living in Palm Springs, resigned as head of the 500,000-member PTL television ministry after saying he was blackmailed over the extramarital tryst. Hahn has said she reached a $265,000 settlement with Bakker, receiving only a small part of the money.


Origin of Tape

The tape was made several years ago as she told her story to her legal advisers, said a source close to the scandal who spoke on condition of anonymity.

Bakker forced her to engage in sex while she was woozy from a glass of wine, the magazine quotes Hahn as saying.

“I tried to get him off me,” she said.

Hahn said that after she told Bakker she was a virgin and worried about becoming pregnant, he said: “I’ve had an operation. Don’t worry about it, you’ll appreciate it later.”


Newsweek said Miss Hahn said she then was forced into sexual activities for another hour with an evangelist working with Bakker. The second man was not identified.

Commenting on Newsweek’s obtaining the tape, Hahn told the Associated Press: “However it was obtained it was immorally done and with the obvious intent to further damage and embarrass me.”

She said earlier that such a story would make “the victim twice the victim.”

Inquiry by Elders

Elders of Assemblies of God Church, to which Bakker has submitted his resignation, are investigating various charges in connection with the incident, including Hahn’s charge that two PTL officials--the Rev. Richard Dortch, now president of PTL, and former board member Rev. Aime Garcia Cortese of New York--learned about the hotel incident three years ago. None of those named by Hahn responded to requests for comment from Newsweek, the magazine said.


Hahn’s statement said she felt pressured by them to sign a three-page disclaimer saying the incident did not take place.

Hahn’s detailed account quotes evangelist John Wesley Fletcher, who took her to Bakker, as saying Bakker “has no sexual life with his wife.”
