
‘No Rescue in Bill to Save Pound Animals’

Trull spouts the same old special interest propaganda that has been spewed forth for decades now.

Pound animals, “random-source” animals, purpose-bred animals--no matter what label Trull and her kind pin on them, animals are not human. They get different diseases and they react differently to drugs and procedures. They also do not lead self-destructive life styles and expect to be “saved” at the expense of “lower” creatures.

I must admit, it took sheer genius to devise this almost indestructible racket: Make people sick by promoting a meat-and dairy-based diet (“real food for real people”): create symptom-masking drugs that cause dependency and irreversible side effects; create surgical and other procedures to “remove” those side effects (or “save lives”); then create yet more drugs to suppress the immune system’s attempt to reject these unnatural invasions. And always keep that carrot dangling in front of the gullible public: “Major breakthrough around the corner--we need more funding.” What a self-perpetuating mess!


As G. B. Shaw put it (“Everybody’s Political What’s What,” 1944): “Please do not tell me what happens to mutilated dogs and guinea pigs and starved rats and mice . . . I am concerned with what happens naturally in the world, not with what you contrive unnaturally in your laboratories.”

As always, human experience and clinical studies are the only possible sources for furthering knowledge and improving human health. Pound seizure--a double vicious act of betrayal and fraud--must end.


