
Plumley Takes Reins of Council

Mary Ann Plumley, a realtor with Dorn-Platz & Co., Glendale, has been installed as president of the Women’s Council of the Glendale Board of Realtors.

Other officers are Trish Phillips, president-elect; Carol Monette, vice president; Lisa Goodlad, secretary; Joan Burke, treasurer, and Dee Weismann, immediate past president and parliamentarian.

Board members are Pat Crouch, Inge Faro, Jeff Fox, Diane Gonzales, Nancy Goodlad, Tom Griffin, Ruby Lewis, Adel Luzuriaga, Lani McKennon, Joe Mandoky, Shirley Tenger, Ante Trinidad, Diana Ybarra, Connie Hazel, Mike Williamson and Nancy Lewis.
