
Bush’s Presents Include Gift Mouse

United Press International

Vice President George Bush received more than $28,000 in gifts last year, including 34 packages of elastic garters for his socks and a 7-inch-tall Mickey Mouse statuette, his financial disclosure form revealed Thursday.

Bush, who two years ago reported a gift of 26 running shoes, received clothes, food and sporting equipment, including a Winchester rifle, four knives, a Chicago Cubs jacket and a tennis racket.

The vice president, who has joked about his preppy style of dressing and variety of multicolored watchbands, also got a dozen pair of black socks, a $400 snowmobile suit and helmet and two Stetsons and a pair of Western boots.


He also received seven golf shirts from professional golfer Doug Sanders and a pair of Reebok running shoes from the Los Angeles Clippers.

The single most expensive gift he received was a commemorative Winchester rifle and Bowie knife from Texas Wagon Train of Irving, Tex., valued at $2,995.
