
Cruz Missives

Cruz’s “notes” were at times amusing, at times illuminating, but mostly they were misleading. What, however, can we expect from the ex-boyfriend of Fawn Hall, the Vanna White of Soldier of Fortune?

His condemnation of the FSLN’s well-known willingness to adopt the official Soviet line on crucial events in the world is well taken and deserves no criticism. Likewise with the dilettante status he assigns to Americans visiting his country. But when, for example, he accuses the Sandinistas of “devastating the economy . . . to establish power,” he fails to also mention the U.S. trade embargo and the destruction wreaked every year by his old contra buddies on the country’s crucial coffee crop. With this conveniently pushed out of his mind, it is easy for Mr. Cruz to also say that “the United States will never command an imperial network.” With all his jetting back and forth between Nicaragua and the United States, did Mr. Cruz never look down to see the hegemony our government has created below in El Salvador and Honduras?

Rory Kelly

Los Angeles
