

Today marks Memorial Day, or Decoration Day, a patriotic holiday since the Civil War to honor the dead servicemen of all wars. It also marks the start of some public summer activities.

Closed: All federal, state, county and city offices. The U.S. Postal Service will operate on a holiday schedule, with no regular mail delivery. Orange County Transit District will follow its Sunday schedule. Courts, banks, libraries, elementary and secondary schools and many businesses will observe the holiday.

Today’s Celebrations:

Six Camp Pendleton Marines will re-enact the 1945 flag-raising on Iwo Jima at 10 a.m. at the Veterans Memorial in Civic Center Plaza in Santa Ana. Officials will place wreaths representing World Wars I and II, and the Korean and Vietnam wars on the memorial.


The 15th annual Memorial Day Service will take place at 10 a.m. at the eternal flame in front of La Palma City Hall, 7822 Walker St. Sponsored by the La Palma Woman’s Club, the service honors residents of La Palma who lost their lives in their country’s service.

Soldiers killed in battle from the Spanish-American War through present-day conflict will be remembered in ceremonies at Forest Lawn, 4471 Lincoln Ave. in Cypress. Coast Guard Adm. Bennett S. Sparks will be the keynote speaker. Cypress Mayor John Kanel will read President Reagan’s Memorial Day Proclamation.

American Legion Post 72 and VFW Post 3173, both of Anaheim, will march from the corner of Sycamore and Lemon streets to the Anaheim Cemetery for a memorial service.
