
Singlaub Tells of Drive to Aid Rebels in Laos

Associated Press

Retired Army Maj. Gen. John K. Singlaub, who testified before Congress about the contra supply network, said he is gathering military supplies, weapons and humanitarian aid for anti-Communist guerrillas in Laos.

Singlaub did not say how much money or supplies he and his organizations have provided the Laotian resistance, according to the Sunday Sun of Lowell.

He told the newspaper that he worked through his international group, the World Anti-Communist League, and the U.S. Council for World Freedom, another organization with which he is associated.


Singlaub said no weapons were sold through the U.S.-based organization because “that would be a violation of my agreements with the IRS and the Neutrality Act.”

Singlaub has been linked to support of anti-Communist groups elsewhere in the world, including Afghanistan and Angola, in addition to the rebels in Nicaragua.

Three-Year Endeavor

Singlaub said he has been supporting the Laotian resistance for about three years, to keep up the pressure on the Communist government there and to maintain sources of information about U.S. servicemen that he believes are still being held in Southeast Asia.


He told the newspaper that he met Vang Pao, leader of the largest Laotian resistance group, and was represented at a recent meeting in Thailand of the leaders of 22 hill tribes who are trying to form a united front against the Vietnamese.
