
Mowing Down a Grassy, Edgy Problem

Steve Buchler of Torrance would like to find a one-wheel lawn mower for trimming grass next to a fence or close to the border of a retaining wall. Can you help put the wheels for that request in motion, or will Buchler realize that he’s cutting it awfully close and perhaps should move to a place where the grass is greener?

Margi Sidman of Northridge needs two white wire-grid patio chairs with high backs, like those sold last year at Ole’s but no longer available there. Can you give her some backing by coming up with a chairperson or two, or is it high time that Sidman abandons the idea of sitting tall?

Betty Ellsworth of Pacific Palisades has been looking desperately on the Westside for Marvalon shelf lining paper , but without success. Can you shelve her problem without giving her a line, or will she be convinced that this is one situation that just can’t be papered over?


Reader-to-Reader Help Line: Diane at (619) 448-7543 is only the last in a long line of readers looking for a battery-operated Saran Wrap dispenser. If there is anybody out there who has some, or who knows where they can be located, we would love to find out about it so that we can wrap this situation up once and for all.

Note: The Reader-to-Reader Help Line is only for one-time items and for products no longer available in stores. And you must give us written permission to publish your telephone number, so that others may contact you directly.

Helen Kerkyras of Glendale, who was looking for a back brush of heavy canvas, won’t have to worry about a brushoff, but she may have to use the U.S. mail. Ferne O’Day of Alhambra says to look in the Fuller Brush catalogue. Item No. 10416A is a back scrubber at $7 plus $3 for shipping; write to P.O. Box 1010, Rural Hall, N.C. 27098-1010. According to G. Whortenbury of Santa Monica, Miles Kimball’s catalogue (41 West 8th Ave., Oshkosh, Wis. 54901) had a Loofah Back Scrubber (No. 6918-1). And Clifford Manshardt of Hollywood says a back scrubber is available from Cable Car Clothiers, 150 Post St., San Francisco, Calif. 94108; the price is $16.


More on removing rust stains from concrete driveways: Tom Hook of Hook Enterprises, Apple Valley, suggests Sure Klean, made by ProSoCo Inc. Craig Meyerhenry of Los Alamitos would try enzymatic solutions such as Simple Green or Sunsation (neither one is poisonous). And Saundra Felker of Cerritos ended up buying Driveaway rust remover at her local Pep Boys store; according to her, it worked beautifully.

We’ve had several requests--the most recent from Marion Kubichan of Sherman Oaks--for the repair of enameled products, such as cooking pots, stoves and other appliances (not refrigerators--they are painted). A local source for such work is West Coast Porcelain Co., 9868 Kale St., South El Monte, Calif. 91733 (ask for Dick Yock).

N. Reuben of Los Angeles, who was looking for someone to do invisible darning on cashmere sweaters, will indeed be darned. Jane Leavitt of Encino says Toshi’s, 427 N. Canon Drive, No. 201, Beverly Hills, (213) 274-3468, will do the job at reasonable cost. Margaret Ferguson at (619) 724-2343 says she is available and has 30 years in the business. Penny Scott of Rancho Palos Verdes says Antoines, 5478 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, (213) 936-6416, does excellent reweaving work. And Sally Keaton of Van Nuys says she has used Expert Re-Weaving, 6340 Coldwater Canyon Blvd., North Hollywood, (818) 761-0522, for invisible weaving.


Lois Smalley of San Diego, who was looking for soft-sided elastic or satin for tummy control, may have to figure on doing some traveling. Marie Sherman of Gardena says that the fabric is still available at the Olga factory in the San Fernando Valley, off Interstate 405, or at Olga outlets in Orange County and Torrance. The fabric is 60 inches wide. We also heard from Frances Dvoran of Los Angeles, who enclosed a sample of a fabric that Smalley might like, which we forwarded to San Diego.

Herb Hain cannot answer mail personally but will, space permitting, respond in this column to readers who need--or have--helpful information. Write (do not telephone) to You Can Help!, You section, the Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles 90053.
