
Bias Charges Against LAPD

I read with disdain the article about alleged bias against Latino advancement in the Los Angeles Police Department (Part A, Dec. 19). Is there discrimination? Based on the numbers you published, bias would appear to be a very real problem. However, there are issues not addressed in the article; issues that are behind the numbers.

Promotion within the LAPD is very arduous and stressful. A vast majority do not succeed in being promoted. To be one of the lucky few, the process requires months of intense study, long periods of time not being able to handle affairs of family life, and a burning desire to succeed.

The promotion system that I have been accustomed to for many years is a fair system. Affirmative action guidelines set by the city are in use. To have groups of individuals obtain promotion through birthright is indeed wrong.


To obtain promotion through the test of knowledge, performance, excellence and commitment is right. To circumvent the basic premise, promotion for those who are the most qualified, is the invitation to a system of unqualified liabilities.


Los Angeles
