
VENTURA : City Seeks to Pay Unclaimed Funds

More than 30 residents, organizations and businesses have money coming from the city of Ventura--a total of more than $2,500--that will go into the city’s general fund if not claimed by Feb. 28, city officials said.

“The state requires that whenever a municipal government issues checks to individuals and they don’t cash them, we have to hold them for a period of three years,” said Tom Fratello, the city’s senior account clerk.

“If they’re not claimed, we must give public notice that we are going to keep that money and transfer it into the general fund.”


Fratello said the checks are refund checks issued by the city in 1987 for overpaid water bills, reimbursements for recreation classes or deposits for the use of a city park for events canceled because of weather. In most cases, he said, people have moved or just never cashed the check.

State law allows the city to keep all amounts under $10. If the amount is more than $10, however, the city must advertise that the money is available and allow people to file a claim.

“This notice gets a good response. Usually about one-third call,” Fratello said.

After someone calls and officials confirm that the city owes that person money, a lost warrant affidavit must be filled out and filed with the city clerk. Once the paperwork is completed, the city issues the check within 10 days.


Those owed money include:

American Assn. for State and Local History, Judith Bushey, California Land Title, Keith Carter, John Christiansen, Linda Collins, Commerce Escrow Co., Denny’s Restaurant No. 1965, Frank Esquivel, Maya Gransberger, Roberson and Bourassa Graves, Guiterrez Drive-In, Amy Knestaut, Jan Knestaut, William Lebo, Jennifer McCord, Chad McMahan, Scott McMahan, John Melendrez, Kent Miles, Parma, Terrance Pope, Kevin Seelos, Robin Sullivan, Kyle Thompson, Trusoft Water Softening, Kerry Undell, Brandon Van Sickle, Ventura Bolt & Supply, Ventura County Flood Control District, Ways, and Ashley Zibalese.
