
U.S. Sen. Seymour: His Merits Are Proven

Sometimes the banality of Orange County journalism overwhelms!

It is so boring to read newspaper evaluations on how “conservative” our legislators are, rather than how “representative” they are.

Such commentaries have reached a new nadir concerning Sen. John Seymour. No reporter has mentioned the many awards Seymour has received. In 1990 the California Journal gave him one of the highest ratings as a legislator. He was honored by the California School Board Assn. as Legislator of the Year in 1988, and recognized by the Orange County Teachers Assn. as a Friend of Education. Other awards for his contributions to legislation concerning drugs, drunk driving and transportation are impressive.

As the people’s representative, John Seymour is the gold standard by which all others should be compared. We had never seen or met (or voted for) the man until March, 1986, when we sought justice for the death of our 27-year-old son.


Law enforcement officials decided that the speeding tractor/trailer that killed our son after cutting across six lanes of freeway (including a divider) was not at fault. Sen. Seymour not only helped us get a complete investigation carried out but led the way for increased truck and highway safety legislation.

He is an honorable, compassionate man, so if Orange County continues to consider “conservative” a noble trait, label Sen. John Seymour what he is--a competent, compassionate conservative. His merits in the Senate are proven, and he takes that with him to Washington.

