
Freeway Barrier

The Caltrans/Border Patrol intention to create a median barrier along Interstate 5, between Las Pulgas and Basilione Roads, is a terrible idea. A mid-freeway Maginot Line of whatever length or height will not stop people who have already traveled hundreds and perhaps thousands of miles.

If the real purpose is to save lives, then build pedestrian overpasses. Placing an overpass near a call box would also be helpful to stranded motorists. A money-saving solution would be to eliminate the Border Patrol checkpoint at San Onofre. The checkpoint is the reason why the migrants cross the freeway in the first place.

If the plan to barricade the freeway median is implemented, how many more motorists and migrants will be killed (in addition to the 38 migrants who have already died) by people slowing down to avoid entrapped migrants and then getting rear-ended by others who are gawking?


The freeway median barrier would be a truly stupid blunder. If the millions spent to halt illegal immigration at our southern border fails us, what good will it do to spend additional millions to make our freeways into expensive kill zones?

