
Was Judge Removed Because of Prejudice or Hypersensitivity?

In reference to “Judge Removed From Custody Case After Making Ethnic Slur” (Jan. 12): Politically correct thinking has come to the courts, and worse, to judges’ chambers! Now justice must be blind and mute.

The evil in stereotyping and bias lies in the presumption of attributes based on insufficient data. That cannot apply to a judge informed by testimony, briefs and explorations of the facts with opposing counsels.

Judging means forming opinions. When a judge senses that a characterization might fit, he should reveal it for argument’s sake, and the proper place is in the privacy of chambers. That is economy of language and is eminently fair to all parties.


Now, by the logic of Appellate Justice Thomas Crosby (who actually came to the judge’s defense), we can use the religious, racial, ethnic or political makeup of an individual in defense of his actions! This is the epitome of offensive, biased thinking.

We need to reconstitute the entire 4th District Court of Appeal for cause.

