
Medical Establishment Has Concerns, Too

The issues raised by David Reyes (“A Bitter Pill: Foreign-Born, Foreign-Trained Latino Doctors Frustrated by Barriers to Practicing Medicine Here,” Dec. 13, View) are of great concern to the two largest physician organizations in Los Angeles, the California Hispanic American Medical Assn. (CHAMA) and the Los Angeles County Medical Assn. (LACMA). Many of our most distinguished members are foreign born and trained. We fully understand the sense of disenfranchisement and alienation felt by unlicensed physicians, some of whom are highly educated and experienced.

The public and the profession must consider two key issues for these physicians, qualifications and competence.

All physicians, foreign or U. S. trained, must demonstrate their personal competence through a series of basic science and clinical examinations. The standards are rigorous in order to protect the public. All physicians, including those already licensed, must demonstrate their competence to practice by completing regular medical education courses.


Mastery of the English language is absolutely essential in order to practice medicine in Los Angeles whether or not a physician confines a practice to his or her own community. How else can a physician relate to colleagues, consultants, pharmacists, nurses, administrators and officials?

On the other hand, there is no reason for these physicians to face insurmountable barriers in their quest for licensure. Their efforts may be aided by reducing the cost of taking the qualifying examination and by the creation of a nonprofit scholarship fund for those who are unable to pay preparatory course fees.

Medical associations can assist foreign-trained physicians by providing information on the requirements needed to become licensed in this country. LACMA and CHAMA welcome qualified foreign trained physicians and would like to be of help to their colleagues.




California Hispanic

American Medical Assn.



Los Angeles County

Medical Assn.
