
Malibu : Hart’s L.A. Office to Close

As of next Thursday, Malibu residents who want to contact their state senator’s local office will have to call Ventura or Santa Barbara.

Sen. Gary K. Hart (D-Santa Barbara), whose district includes Malibu, said he is closing his Los Angeles County field office in Woodland Hills to comply with the passage last November of Proposition 140, which established term limits for lawmakers and cut the Legislature’s annual budget by at least 40%.

Even though he is closing the office, Hart maintained he will continue trying to offer the people in his district “the type of constituent services they have come to expect and deserve.”


Hart is also laying off the two aides based at the office. Overall, he is reducing his 20-member office and committee staff by about one-third, according to Hart aide Joe Caves.

Hart’s Los Angeles County office has provided services not only to Malibu but to Woodland Hills, Canoga Park, Topanga and part of Calabasas. The bulk of Hart’s district is in Santa Barbara and Ventura counties, where his two other field offices will remain open to accept calls and answer letters.
