
If we weren’t talking about football, it...

If we weren’t talking about football, it would be tempting to say that the Long Beach Airport Marriott has all the bases covered for Super Bowl Sunday.

Inside Corrigan’s Bar, patrons will be able to eat and drink while they watch the New York Giants, the Buffalo Bills and the high-priced TV commercials.

Meanwhile, the hotel’s Grand Ballroom will be staging a bridal show, featuring displays by gown- and tux-makers, as well as caterers, wedding consultants, florists, photographers, etc.


“It’s a day for both the brides-to-be and the grooms-to-be to spend the day together under the same roof but in different rooms,” explained spokeswoman Shelly Wilcox.

Something borrowed, something black and blue.

Speaking of romance, we’ve found the busy commuter’s version of Lover’s Lane.

Signs like the one in the accompanying photo grace the loading and unloading zones in the parking lots of the Metro Blue Line stations.

“Kiss & Ride”--a pleasant notion.

But, please, not at the same time.

On a more clinical note, Sara Meric of Santa Monica encloses a singles ad from a bulletin put out by Mensa, the high-IQ society. It was placed by a man who comes from “a family of outstanding inventors, professionals, athletes, and scholars.”


Anyway, he’ll consider “offers to become the father of your next child.” He identifies himself as “SWMM.”

As any peruser of single’s ads knows, “SWMM” stands for “single white Mensan male.” Really.

“How prophetic Only in L.A. was,” said caller Don Mann of Malibu.

He was referring to the item about a Ft. Collins, Colo., newspaper that recounted how a newcomer was ticketed there for dumping motor oil in the gutter. The polluter complained that if he’d “been in L.A., nobody would have said anything.”


Mann stepped outside his house Friday and spotted a load of asphalt left in a vacant lot. Then, he added, “I saw a guy dumping his motor oil in the gutter on Pacific Coast Highway. You know that’ll wind up in the ocean.”

Needless to say, Friday was a disastrous day for oil spills internationally, too. But let’s forget about the real world for a moment and dwell on the Happiest Place on Earth.

On a recent trip to Disneyland, Patricia Vollmer of Los Feliz mentioned that she had first visited the amusement park in 1955. Her 11-year-old daughter Mandy asked:

“Was it in black and white then?”


Dental ceramist Daniel Materdomini of Woodland Hills has designed tooth tattoos for more than 200 patients. The tiny decorations, printed on porcelain caps, include a New York Yankees logo, a keyboard and the scales of justice (ordered by an attorney). Most customers prefer the tattoos on their molars, instead of their front teeth, so they won’t appear to be exhibitionists.
