
Sears Needs to Start Firing People at Top

I keep reading about the troubles Sears is having. Their answer is to lay off thousands of workers, “Sears Plans to Cut 21,000 Jobs; 900 in Southland” (Jan. 4).

The stores are poorly laid out. The floor plans make it almost impossible to find what you are looking for. The sales staff often don’t seem to know a thing about the product they are selling--if you can find someone to wait on you in the first place!

My wife and I were longtime Sears customers--no more. We recently went in to buy children’s clothing and gave up. On the next occasion, we went to purchase a mattress. When we were finally waited on, it was by a man who knew nothing about beds.


That was the end for us. Sears top management should fire themselves, then there will be progress.

