
“Do you want to live in L.A....

“Do you want to live in L.A. 10 years from now?” was the question posed by 7-Eleven workers to 600 Gardner Elementary School students in Hollywood.

“Yes,” was the answer of 82.5%, the company reports.

Of course, none of the students has had to drive the freeways yet. At least, we hope not.

Always a local angle: This week’s bad-taste award goes to a twice-weekly newspaper in Glendale that ran an article about the arraignment of Los Angeles Police Department Officer Laurence Powell, a Crescenta Valley High graduate, in the now-infamous beating of Rodney G. King.

The headline said: “Ex-CV High golf star is still swinging.”

Most of “Scenes in a Mall,” a comedy set in the Beverly Center, was actually shot in a Connecticut shopping center. A coming shoot-’em-up, “The Taking of Beverly Hills,” was filmed on a mock-up Rodeo Drive in Mexico City. Then there’s “Guilty by Suspicion,” which features a New York street scene where snow can be seen falling over the downtown restaurant sign of L.A.’s oldest restaurant--Cole’s.


As someone once said, in L.A., it isn’t easy separating the real fake from the fake fake.

List of the Day:

While civilization was slow in coming West to L.A.--some Easterners would argue that the job’s not done yet--the City of Angels actually had made great strides by the early 20th Century. By then, wrote John Gunther in “Inside U.S.A.,” L.A. had already outlawed:

1--Shooting rabbits from streetcars.

2--Throwing snuff or giving it to a child under 16.

3--Making pickles in any downtown district.

4--Selling snakes on the streets.

5--Bathing two babes in a single bathtub at one time.

With coming of the movie industry, Rule No. 5 underwent some rethinking.

Now somewhere in the Black Mountain hills of Dakota/There lived a young boy named Rocky Raccoon ...

But the Beatles’ Rocky was never teamed with a moose named Bullwinkle, as we wrote Thursday. Karen Lewis of Long Beach and others phoned to remind us that Bullwinkle’s sidekick was not a raccoon but a flying squirrel--full name, Rocket J. Squirrel.



Mail Carriers to the Stars: More than 100 photos of celebrities, ranging from Michael Jackson to Tom Lasorda, decorate the walls of the Encino Post Office. They are, of course, in a different section than the photos of wanted fugitives.
