
Box Score Was Already Good Enough, Thanks

What has happened to the once-beautiful box score? Someone has cluttered it up with a lot of meaningless numbers that detract from its usual simplicity. Hey, I don’t care how many times Scott Lusader (or anybody else) has been CS’ed. Caught stealing? As one accustomed to poring over a box score, I’m going to take it for granted that’s what it is. Nor do I care to know the total errors Ken Caminiti (or anybody else) has to date.

As for doubles and triples, can’t we just rely on the weekly printing of these stats in “Major League Leaders?”

What has been done to the box score is tantamount to defacing a work of art. Next thing you know, someone will want to add a few things to the Mona Lisa.


In this case, I’ll subscribe to the KISS theory: Keep It Simple, Statistician.


Rancho Mirage
