
Seeing Red (Bravo Wednesday at 6:30 p.m.):...

Seeing Red (Bravo Wednesday at 6:30 p.m.): James Klein and Julia Reichert’s 1983 documentary does a terrific, engrossing job of making clear what the American Communist Party was all about. The film’s 15 interviewees, all active in the party’s heyday in the ‘30s and ‘40s, are bright, vital, caring idealists who saw the Communist Party as the only viable response to the dark days of the Depression.

Manhattan (A&E; Thursday at 6 p.m.): Woody Allen’s 1979 shimmering, bittersweet black-and-white valentine to New York and to romance in that city, set to Gershwin and featuring Diane Keaton, Michael Murphy, Mariel Hemingway, Anne Byrne, Meryl Streep and Allen himself.

Camille Claudel (Cinemax Thursday at 9 p.m.): Bruno Nuytten’s 1988 release is a romantic tragedy in the grand manner, a rich, darkly gorgeous film in which Isabelle Adjani won an Oscar nomination as the tormented sculptor lover of Auguste Rodin (Gerard Depardieu).


MacArthur’s Children (Channel 28 Saturday at 9 p.m.): Beginning on VJ-Day, Aug. 15, 1945, Masahiro Shinoda’s warm, humorous and poignant 1985 film looks back in pride more than shame, celebrating the strength and endurance of the Japanese people in rebuilding their lives. It centers on several children in a small, idyllic island community far from war’s devastation.
