
FILLMORE : Festival to Feature Parade, Rides, Food

The 45th annual Fillmore Festival, which begins Thursday, will feature a parade, barbecue and carnival rides in the city’s refurbished Central Avenue business district.

The midway, with carnival rides, games and food booths, will be open Thursday through Sunday east of Fillmore’s Central Park. Saturday, a pancake breakfast, parade and pit barbecue will be held.

Fillmore’s 1990 Citizen of the Year, Paul Haase, will act as grand marshal of the parade. A citrus rancher from neighboring Bardsdale, Haase was nominated by former Fillmore Mayor Delores Day because of his “outstanding work with our youth,” Day said.


Spectators are encouraged to dress in period costumes Saturday, said representatives of the city’s Chamber of Commerce, sponsor of the event. A local band, Shiloh, will provide country-Western music during the barbecue that follows the parade.

Carnival admission is free Thursday and Sunday, but there will be a 50-cent charge to enter the midway Friday and Saturday. Chamber representatives said the fee will defray the cost of security, including fencing around the carnival.

Advance tickets for the carnival rides are on sale at the chamber office, 344 Central Ave., through 5 p.m. today. A sheet of 24 coupons costs $9 in advance and $12 Thursday when the midway opens. The Saturday pancake breakfast will be $2.50, and the barbecue will cost $7 for adults and $3.50 for children.
