
El Cajon

A Navy petty officer pleaded not guilty Tuesday to charges of attempted murder and child abuse after his 8-week-old daughter was severely injured.

Stewart A. Damron, 24, will be held in lieu of $75,000 pending a bail review hearing Friday.

Damron was arrested Friday after his daughter, Laura, was treated for head injuries and bruises on her body. Paramedics had been summoned to an apartment on Magnolia Avenue to treat an infant who was not breathing.


The child remains in critical condition at Children’s Hospital. Deputy Dist. Atty. David Rubin said he will consult experts to determine if the child’s injuries are the result of shaken infant syndrome.

Damron’s supporters, including his wife and commanding officer, appeared before Municipal Judge Howard H. Shore to support him. Damron is a paralegal at the 32nd Street Naval Station.
