
BUENA PARK : Quake Safety Plan Gets Initial Approval

The City Council gave initial approval to a plan to reduce the potential of buildings collapsing during an earthquake.

Mandated under state law, the plan will identify unreinforced masonry buildings, the most likely to tumble during a quake. Under the ordinance, failure to reinforce the buildings could result in their demolition.

The requirement applies to structures built before 1934, when earthquake building safeguards were enacted.


City officials are identifying structures that may need reinforcement, said Tom Lynch, director of developmental services. Three unreinforced masonry buildings have already been identified: the First Congregational Church on 10th Street, the Pussycat Theater at 6177 Beach Blvd. and an office complex at 6712 Beach Blvd.

A public hearing is scheduled for June 3, then the council will consider final approval for the plan.
