
Colleges : Weaver Becomes President of L.B. City College Board

Donald M. Weaver, 65, a retired aerospace engineer and manager, has been elected to a one-year term as president of the Long Beach City College Board of Trustees. He was vice president last year.

Weaver, who worked 32 years for Northrop Corp. in Hawthorne, was appointed to the college board in 1988 upon the death of then-President Donald Scott. Weaver ran for election in 1990 and won a four-year term. He lives in the Virginia Country Club area of Long Beach.

Judith Olmsted Powell, an English teacher at Wilson High School in Long Beach, was chosen board vice president. Powell was elected to the board in 1988, and will be up for reelection in April, 1992. Powell lives in the Naples area of Long Beach.


Trudy Polsky, an attorney, is outgoing president but remains on the five-member board, which meets twice a month govern the college and its enrollment of about 30,000 students on two campuses. The board members are paid $400 a month.

In their annual reassignment of responsibilities, the board members have assigned themselves these areas to oversee: Powell, finance; Polsky, purchasing; C. Thomas Dean, facilities; and William Millington, personnel.
