
AMA on National Health Plan

The American Medical Assn. has come out in support of a national health program (“AMA Officials Urge Insurance Coverage for All,” front page, May 14). It has finally decided that the medical profession should act like the “humane” vocation it is supposed to be.

A national program similar to the Canadian system would remove health insurance costs from companies that could pass some of that savings on to the consumer (who pays for it anyway). It would rid us of the mishmash of health programs supported by federal, state and local taxes and private organizations--programs overburdened with costly administrative staffs and paperwork.

Instead of doubling tax exemptions for dependent children as proposed by some, why not limit tax exemptions and use that money to help finance national health insurance? This would benefit all Americans, including dependent children.


I agree with the AMA totally. The present system is “no longer acceptable morally, ethically or economically.”


