
Orange County Almanac

Residents who complain about the small lot sizes in Seal Beach’s Old Town have city pioneers to blame.

Old Town--near the ocean--was originally known as Tent City because German immigrant farmers constructed makeshift summer cottages on 25-square-foot lots there in the 1880s.

They discovered the seaside site’s charms while moving produce from inland fields to Anaheim Landing, a port on the southeastern tip of the city.


They found the cool breezes and mild ocean current refreshing for their families after the hot, dusty trip from their farms in the Anaheim and Santa Ana area.


Chapman University’s Guggenheim Gallery opens its multidisciplinary exhibit “Issues of Empire.”

The exhibit includes paintings, photographs, sculptures, conceptual art and drawings. Each work conceives of the colonial domination of Europe and America and addresses language, tourism and economic exploitation.


The event, at 333 N. Glassell St. in Orange, is free and runs through March 8. Information: (714) 997-6729.
