
LOS ANGELES : Panel Reviewing Unusual Pay Setup for Riordan Aide

The city Ethics Commission will decide in a few days whether it sees potential conflict-of-interest problems with an unusual arrangement designed to pay Los Angeles Mayor Richard Riordan’s chief of staff mainly with private funds.

The mayor’s office has asked for the city commission’s opinion on the arrangement, which the state Fair Political Practices Commission has already determined to be lawful.

“We’re reviewing information that’s been given to us to make sure we give solid advice to the mayor’s office,” said Ethics Commission Executive Director Benjamin Bycel. “It will take a few days.”


Under the arrangement, the $120,000 annual salary of mayoral Chief of Staff William G. Ouchi would be split three ways, apportioned in accordance with how Ouchi spends his time.

The city would put up 15% to cover Ouchi’s time as an administrator. UCLA, where Ouchi is a professor of management, would kick in 5% to cover his administrative activities on campus.

The remaining 80%, to pay for his “action research” on city government, would be paid by private corporations, individuals and foundations, whose donations will be funneled through UCLA.
