
LAKE CASITAS : Students to Learn of Life in Civil War

As many as 2,000 schoolchildren are expected to learn about life in the Civil War era during a special demonstration this week at Lake Casitas.

The event will precede the second annual Ojai Civil War Re-Enactment, which has been postponed twice due to bad weather and is now set for Saturday and Sunday. The re-enactment is expected to draw 8,000 people.

The school program--featuring an authentically costumed Civil War cannon crew and infantry soldiers--will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Friday.


Organizers said schools from throughout the county have signed up classes for the event. “One of the recommendations is that the kids wear earplugs because cannons are loud,” said Larry Frunk, a school program coordinator.

Educators who want to bring classes should call 981-2970. No reservations are necessary, but organizers prefer that schools call ahead so that parking can be arranged.

The public is invited to the re-enactment, which will be from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday on a 10-acre site at Lake Casitas.


Hundreds of costumed Union and Confederate characters will charge, fire cannons and skirmish over the weekend.

Participants, including Abraham Lincoln and Robert E. Lee impersonators, will answer questions about weapons and equipment, pose for pictures and discuss Civil War history.

Food booths, live music, pony rides, and Civil War vendors and exhibits are also planned. Admission will be $6 for adults and $4 for senior citizens, students with ID and children under 12. Children under 3 will be admitted free.


For information, call 649-2233. Call 649-1122 for weekend camping reservations at Lake Casitas.
