
Willie Brown

Those who seek to abolish affirmative action are not, as Assmebly Speaker Willie Brown would have it, doing something racist (Feb. 15). The position might more accurately be described as “anti-racist,” since affirmative action is compensatory racism.

It is time our lawmakers returned us to a system based on merit instead of an unquantifiable social compensation. Brown should have the wisdom and courage to recognize that such a system, if properly applied, would be adequately compensatory. His efforts, then, should be toward the proper application of a merit system.


Los Angeles

* So Brown thinks that affirmative action is the “fair” response to a history of discrimination against minorities. Translation: The only fair response to racism by some whites in the past is racism against other whites in the present. I guess he hasn’t considered the possibility of abandoning racism and treating people as individuals. And they say no one thinks in principles anymore!



Executive Director

Ayn Rand Institute

Marina del Rey
