
City Approves Funds for Pier Plaza Design

The $5-million Pier Plaza project moved a step closer to reality Monday when the City Council approved spending about $100,000 to complete design plans and cover other preliminary costs for the make-over.

The project is to include a beachfront amphitheater, lawn area, new concession stand and restrooms, revamped parking lots, landscaping and a decorative plaza with a blue and green paved area simulating waves.

A mural depicting the city’s past is also in the plans, as well as a new restaurant at the base of the pier.


Purkiss Rose-RSI of Fullerton will prepare the final construction documents so the city can seek bids for the project early this summer.

The existing restaurant building, formerly Maxwell’s by the Sea, was condemned by the city and closed last year. It is to be demolished in August, but the city’s historical consultant has been hired in an effort to preserve it. Barbara Milkovich will prepare a history of the structure, which over the years has been used for ballroom dancing, meetings, roller skating and the restaurant.

Construction on the plaza project and new Duke’s Surf City Restaurant is to begin in October, with completion set for summer 1997.


In June, the council will consider options for financing Pier Plaza, which officials say is essential to boost the city’s image.

“We hope that it will be the cornerstone that will complete downtown redevelopment, help us in our tourist industry and fill the downtown shops” with customers, said Ron Hagan, community services director.
