
LACMA’s New Director

Regarding the [Los Angeles] Times Q&A; [Monday, April 1] with LACMA’s new director [Graham W.J.] Beal: Was the [frequent] use of brackets [throughout the article] the result of some sort of [pathological] inarticulateness on the part of [Mr.] Beal or [merely] a reflection of [author] [Christopher] Knight’s affection for the “[“ and “]” keys? [Just] asking [about] [it].


Santa Monica

LACMA and the county in general is truly lucky to have someone of Graham Beal’s caliber as the director of the museum. Having worked for Graham at the Steinberg Museum at Washington University in St. Louis back in ‘75-76, during my graduate studies in fine art, I can attest to what a consummate professional he truly is. The hiring of Mr. Beal will only help in the sophistication of LACMA and bring some much needed attention to the culture of Los Angeles. Congratulations to LACMA for making such a knowledgeable decision. And best of luck to Graham Beal--I hope his tenure at LACMA will be one of the high points of his career.


Los Angeles
