
County Term Limits Might Land on Ballot

The Board of Supervisors on Tuesday will consider placing a measure on the November ballot that would limit supervisors and other elected county officials to two four-year terms in office.

Supervisor Marian Bergeson proposed the measure, saying term limits enjoy wide popular support. The plan would cover all county elected officials except the sheriff, district attorney and assessor, whose positions are created by the state Constitution and cannot be altered by the county.

In March, voters rejected a county charter proposal that included a term limits provision. Several cities have placed term limits for council members on the November ballot as well.


Also Tuesday, the board will vote on a plan to build a nature center at O’Neill Regional Park. The center would included two buildings and a patio area. It would be used for interpretive programs and group events.

Construction is expected to cost $544,200, most of which would come from a state park grant.
