
Tragic Case of Police Getting Overzealous

* The last time I looked at the Bill of Rights and the U. S. Constitution, a person in this great country has the right to bear arms and is innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law by a jury of your peers.

Would it be any less tragic if the suspect had been at home when Oxnard police went to serve a warrant that fatal day March 13 at 6:05 a.m.? If the suspect had been there, I’m sure he probably would have bolted out of his bedroom having been awakened by the explosion in his house. I don’t believe that justifies shooting someone.

It’s fortunate for the suspect that he was not home. He was later arrested at his mother’s house without incident or anyone else being killed. It seems to me that’s the way it could have been done in the first place. After a two-year investigation you would think that the law enforcement agencies involved would have known that the suspect could be arrested at any time and place.


My heart goes out to Officer James Jensen’s widow, children, fellow officers and friends. He was not the first and I’m sure he won’t be the last innocent victim to die as a result of overzealous, badly trained, poorly supervised and brutal actions that take place by law enforcement agencies all across this “land of the free.” God help America!


