
Library Supporters Can Still Contribute

* Several weeks have passed since the voters in Camarillo and the unincorporated area surrounding Camarillo voted by roughly a 55% margin to support their local library with a parcel tax of $25 a year. Due to the requirement of a two-thirds majority vote in favor of this tax, however, the measure did not pass and our library will not get this support.

I would encourage all of those voters who were willing to contribute $25 per year for five years, to send $25 to either the Ventura County Community Foundation, which is handling other monies donated to the local libraries. Or, send it directly to the Ventura County Library Services Agency, designating the money to the Camarillo Library. If 55% of the voters contributed $25, the library would be able to continue its open hours and perhaps even expand them and purchase much needed materials.

Rather than bemoan the deterioration of library services, let us join together and work to provide free access to information to all our residents.



