
Mexican Consulate

* Re “Consulate Takes Activist Role for Mexicans in U.S.,” April 9:

Your excellent report regarding the Mexican consulate’s activities regarding illegal Mexican aliens in this country highlights an outrage: namely, the intolerable interference by Mexican diplomats in this country’s internal affairs. You may be sure that if the situation were reversed, Mexico would not stand for such actions by U.S. diplomats.

The situation is the latest episode in Mexico’s program of exporting its social problems to the United States, in the persons of huge numbers of illegals, rather than solving them in its own country. One can only wonder why our government does not require the Mexican consulate to take custody of specific illegals it is “helping,” once it acknowledges their illegal presence in this country. If Mexico wants to help its citizens, it should be required to do so in Mexico. The hypocrisy of Mexico’s attitude defies belief, and should not be tolerated, as it has been, by a series of flabby U.S. administrations, beginning with Reagan, and continued by Bush and Clinton.

Small wonder that ordinary middle-class citizens have become militant on the subject of illegal aliens. Nothing else has worked.




* Jose Angel Pescador Osuna, the Mexican consulate, is quoted as saying, “We just want the rule of law to apply to everyone, including the Mexicans who live here.” What part of “illegal entry” doesn’t he understand.

Seal the border and seal it now. We have a right to know who enters our country by any means from any border.



* Many people condemn the treatment of illegals but they support anti-immigrant rhetoric that militarizes the border and denies education and health care to illegals. I ask why these same people don’t complain when they purchase inexpensive “Made in USA” labels or California-grown food that is produced by illegal immigrants working in sweatshops or living under beastly conditions on some greedy corporation’s farm.


Why don’t these same people ask for more raids of businesses that exploit illegal labor? Is it not fair that if these people are leaving the best parts of their lives in our factories and land for less than $50 a day that their children be entitled to school and health care?


Los Angeles

After listening to all the remarks about the Riverside police beating case, I think it is about time something is done about these so-called talk shows. I am for freedom of speech as much as the next guy, but I don’t think these radio stations should allow anonymous callers to vent their racial hatreds and their calls for violence.

I think the city or county commission on human relations should investigate these radio stations.



Los Angeles
