
Host Families Wanted for Exchange Students

The Foundation for Academic Cultural Exchange (FACE) and the International Cultural Exchange (ICE) are seeking host families for international students under the age of 20 years.

Both organizations are nonprofit and promote cultural understanding through exchange programs. Students from both organizations furnish their own spending money and medical insurance.

FACE, a 10-year-old organization based in Georgia, is looking for families to host students ages 15 to 18 years old for one academic school year. The exchange students arrive in August and will attend local high schools. For information, call Sue Lookman at (714) 538-8334.


ICE, based in San Ramon, is seeking families to host students from France who are 14 to 20 years old. The ICE program is four weeks long. Students arrive in late June. They will follow a schedule of preset activities during the week and spend time with their host families on weekends. For information, call (800) 930-4253.
