
Brawn, Brains and Beauty


We had been chasing our tail for weeks trying to land this interview with Moose, the 6-year-old Jack Russell terrier who plays Eddie on NBC’s “Frasier.” When that big day finally arrived, we trotted on over to Paramount’s Stage 25 and there he was (with animal trainer April Morley) in his little cubbyhole of a dressing room.

We were Moose-struck.

Question: Can you rattle off some Moose vitals?

Answer: Moose weighs 21 to 22 pounds and he’s got short legs, a real squatter. He has good bones and he runs real well. His muscle tone is excellent. He’s not high maintenance.

He was a shoo-in [as Eddie] because he’s just got this great look about him and he’s a great starer. He beats everybody. I blink before he does.


Q: His coat looks beautiful. What does he eat?

A: The nice coat comes from a good diet, basically. Moose’s regular food is Biljac.

Q: What is that?

A: It’s a semi-hard, pellet-shaped dog food shipped in from the East Coast.

Q: How does Moose spring up in the air . . . boing . . . boing. . . ?

A: He developed that pretty much on his own because he has the energy of a Jack Russell and because he wants to play. So we just turned that into an “up high, come on, up high” routine. And he gets paid for it. He will play mountains for a treat. He’s one of those terriers. They’re very smart and have a lot of energy.

Q: How does Moose release that energy during his workday, rehearsing and filming?

A: He runs around for about 15 minutes in between rehearsals. We go next door to the Lucille Ball Park and he smells everything--all the trees--and pokes around until the next scene. I don’t let him run around and get crazy while we’re working because he has to come back in here and relax until it’s time to work.

Q: So he has to have a cool-down period after exercising?

A: He needs down time, a good 30 minutes to relax--meaning he goes into his kennel because if he gets overly excited it is a little hard for me to bring him down.


Q: When does Moose get to cut loose?

A: The craziness is when we’re at home. Early in the morning--depending on whatever time his appointments are--and the end of the day when he’s with my two dogs and they all run together, hit all the trees and look for things to get into. And when he’s at home outside running around, he can chase whatever until he’s out of breath. And I have to let him do that, exercise and have a good time and there’s no pressure. There’s no demands.

Q: What are some of his favorite exercises?

A: His favorite thing is just to be outside, running and running and chasing after squirrels. He investigates every little hole and he likes to chase the horse. He also chases the other two dogs a lot--they’re not working dogs--at home.

Q: Any high jinks?

A: At home Moose bangs on cupboard doors and works them open with his nose, but that may be something he needs to do on the set too, so you can’t correct him. He’s a working dog. We want him to dig and chew and be obnoxious.


And I don’t let him out of my sight outside at night. Before we turn in for the night, I have to really watch him.

Q: He’d take off?

A: Yeah. I’d be out there with a flashlight chasing him and running around yelling “Moose!” He would just be everywhere and in the foxtails and come back dirty.

Q: Does he get baths?

A: Every couple of weeks. Usually indoors in the bathtub with a shampoo and conditioner because of his wiry hair, to keep it soft and fluffy.

Q: Do you brush his teeth?

A: I do. The dentist gave him a liquid toothpaste, and every day I spray his mouth and I take a little toothbrush and zoot, zoot, zoot and we’re done. He hates every minute of it, but afterward he gets a treat so he has something to look forward to.

Q: What sort of treats?

A: Biljac liver treats, and he gets boiled chicken sometimes.

Q: I’m dying to love him up and play right now.

A: I allow everyone on the set to pet him and play with him, but not when we’re working, like now. That’s a rule because I need his full undivided attention. He’s a busy boy. Exercise, quiet time, attention, cuddling--all of that has to be incorporated into work.

Doggone it.

Guest Workout runs every other Wednesday in Life & Style.
