
Higher Hotel Tax, Fees to Be Placed on Ballot

Carson voters will get a chance to test Proposition 218, the new law that requires a public vote on taxes, when the city places two tax measures on the March 4 ballot.

Voters will be asked to pass a measure that would boost the hotel tax from 9% to 10% and allow the city to tie business license fees to the consumer price index.

The transit occupancy tax, which has not been increased since 1993, would produce nearly $50,000 in additional revenue per year. Increased business license fees, which have been raised each year since 1990, would bring about $40,000 more in revenue.


Although the revenue is a fraction of the city’s annual $32-million budget, officials say that without the funds it will be tough to balance the books.

“It’s very important to our annual budget for the measures to pass,” said Director of Finance Jacquelyn Acosta. “$100,000 is a lot of money.”
