
Jail May Be Privatized in Funding Crisis

Alhambra’s city manager is proposing that the Police Department’s jail be run by a private company as part of a package of cost-cutting moves needed in the wake of Proposition 218.

Officials estimate that the ballot measure approved by voters in November will force the city to slash $2.2 million from its annual budget.

City Manager Julio Fuentes said that under Proposition 218 many Alhambra assessments and fees have to be put before voters by next summer. But, he said, the city does not have a scheduled municipal election for two more years, so it must make the cuts to eliminate the need for the fees.


Fuentes said the Police Department needs to save $378,000 a year. The jail with 10 city employees costs $460,000 to run compared with about $160,000 for a private firm, Fuentes said.

Civilian employees in the Police Department said the move is motivated by union-busting and racism. Fuentes dismisses the accusations as ridiculous.

The city is considering allowing a private firm to bid on its fire protection contract as firefighters begin a push to have the county absorb the department.
